En harmoni af bæredygtighed og sundhed


Musik der nærer din følelse af formål, forbindelse, velvære, drive og energi

It's Time for a Sustainable World - Digital Album Pakke

Giv dig selv en gave af musikalsk inspiration og selvomsorg med "It's Time for a Sustainable World" – et album, der ikke blot løfter dit sind, men også minder dig om vigtigheden af at tage vare på både dig selv og vores planet. Freja Eriksen, kendt som Den Syngende Læge, kombinerer i dette album sin passion for musik med sin dybe indsigt i sundhed, trivsel og bæredygtighed.

Få hele pakken i denne digitale album pakke og oplev, hvordan musikken kan blive en kær ven på din vej mod større selvomsorg, mening og bæredygtighed i dit liv.


It's Time for a Sustainable World
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Freja Eriksen

“Freja Eriksen er en komponist af format og formidler af inspirerede og inspirerende sange som når ind i dypet af vores mulighed og forvandler mennesker.”

Læge, prof. integrativ medicin og forsker i musikterapi, forfatter og foredragsholder

Freja Eriksen

“Freja is singing from soul to soul - with power, wisdom and graceful ease.”

Forfatter og leder af sjælfulde events

Freja Eriksen

“Det var en fantastisk aften!
Det er tekster, musik og en stemme der bare bliver ved med at give. ”



Freja Eriksen - Den Syngende Læge

Jeg har altid tydeligt mærket hvordan musik kan ændre menneskers følelser, tanker og adfærd. Jeg har nu opdaget, at der er en masse forskning, der understøtter hvad jeg før blot kunne mærke og observere.

Jeg har specialiseret mig i at skabe musik, der nærer din følelse af formål, forbindelse, velvære, drive og energi, så det på den måde støtter dig i at opnå de ting du gerne vil her i livet samtidig med at du stortrives.

Lav dig selv en varm kop te, få et tæppe og sæt musikken eller videoen på og lad teksterne og det musikalske univers nære dig og alle dine celler.

Album Anmeldelse af Steve Sheppard fra One World Music Radio 

I have listened to this album, It’s Time, by Freja Eriksen a few times now, and each occasion I do the poignant lyrics and upbeat and empowering musical accompaniment is simply inspiring to me, as I hope it will be to you.

This voyage of musical freedom starts with an anthem like song entitled Love Revolution Arise.  As a writer of lyrics myself, this is special, it speaks of a much needed revolution, but one from the heart to the heart, where love is the only weapon.


We start the next piece with an acoustic vibe to the proceedings; the track is called Seed of life. The harmonies here are sublime as is the intent of the song itself, this is also poignant for me as I know one person who really needs to let go now and find the truth! The gentle narrative of tone and vibration is very smooth and quite classy, while Eriksen’s vocals absolutely lift the human soul.

Shine is something we all must do, and this song by Eriksen is something amazingly beautiful. The slight mournful textures here are a clever lead into the main frame of the song, one that yet again has an outstanding lyrical nature.

There is a real sense of abundance about this next piece, entitled Swim the sea. Eriksen’s vocals here are utterly brilliant, and contain a style here that is almost soul like in performance, and of course as she states in the lyrics, it’s better to swim in the sea, than be like a fish trying to climb a tree, what a superb analogy that is. 

At the mid-way point Eriksen’s last single can be found, It's time. This is a fine example of how to get a global message over to a global population through the medium of music, a fine composition, superb lyrics and song writing, all mixed together with a little passion and heart, a guaranteed winner.

Our Present is a further example of superior song writing, but one must add the soulful approach on vocals and the string section, that is a slice of continued brilliance throughout this song, and in my view you have another winner and another possible single here possibly.

The mournful energy of Our Job, is our next piece, this was beautiful to feel and touch, the descriptive song writing has amazingly graphic words and also illustrates and enhances the imagination, the acoustic vibe and strings here too are quite breathtakingly beautiful, and all go to make up one of the most scenic arrangements on the album, the message is once more so relevant to now and one hopes that this will get through, it is time.

We have arrived at the penultimate offering off the album, and this marvellous opus is entitled Spread Your Wings. If you ever wanted to suggest a song by the artist, one that exemplifies just how good a vocalist she is, then in my view this would be the track, it is truly wondrous to listen to and enjoy, and of course appreciate.

The last offering off the album is upon us and called Together We Stand, this is a truly clever way to leave the album, with a crafted anthem like song, an uplifting narrative of positivity, and thus this manifestation and resulting piece is something to be truly grateful for, Eriksen is a maestro at creating inspirational compositions, and this one is a particularly brilliant choice, as it concludes our musical journey with the artist.

It's Time, by Freja Eriksen is an exciting new release from the artist, this album bubbles over with enthusiastic compositions, designed to raise our energies, lift our souls, and give us hope of embracing the now and making the changes we need to make. Eriksen has a wonderful voice, and has thus created a multi instrumental narrative to her album that is both compelling and simply delightful to listen to, and of course, really easy to recommend.   

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